Day 4 – Psalm 46:5-6

“He is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved:
God shall help her, and that right early.
The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved:
He uttered His voice, the earth melted.”

As a survivor of abuse, I often think I am not worth much. When Jesus talked about us being worth more than sparrows, I imagine myself to be just a few feathers better than a sparrow. Because of my circumstances, I believed the lie that I just wasn’t worth saving. I wasn’t important enough to rescue. Maybe Israel was; maybe Jerusalem is, but not one little girl.

I have memorized Psalm 46, and every time I repeat it, I think of Jerusalem. But this morning, God showed me something so beautiful that my heart melted in me.

I was listening to a song that had some of the above verses in it, and God said to my heart, “Aren’t you more important than a city? Don’t you think that if I will help Jerusalem, I will also help you?”

God assured me that I am not only more important than sparrows, but I am more important to Him that His holy city Jerusalem, which He cherishes and has plans to rescue.

As the song moved to “He uttered His voice, the earth melted,” God spoke to my heart again. He said, “That was Me uttering My voice for you! When your abuser was messing with you, he was the heathen raging. But I was roaring! Yes, child, I was roaring on your behalf. I was roaring over him in warning and anger at what he was doing. I was roaring, and he heard Me, but he ignored Me every time.”

Those words are bringing such healing to my heart! God in His power roaring in anger over the sins committed against a little girl! God roaring in the ears of my abuser as a warning to stop and repent! Those are precious words. I have to stop and let them seep in.

Before I leave these verses, I have to admit something to you. I wanted to make sure that these words were really from God because the word in Psalm 46 was uttered, not roared. So I looked up roar in my concordance to see if God ever roared. Guess what. He did! Hosea 11:10 says, “He shall roar like a lion.” Jeremiah 25:30 says, “The Lord shall roar from on high and utter His voice from His holy habitation.” (Both words! Italics mine.) Joel 3:16 and Amos 1:2 also mention the Lord roaring. Why is He roaring in most of these verses? He is angry at sin! He is warning people to stop! He is trying to protect the innocent!

Our enemy roars, too: “…your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). He wants to destroy us, devour us, devastate us.

If it were not for the power of God on your side, your enemy might have had a chance. But God is roaring, and Jesus is healing. Your enemy is a goner.

This a page from the book When God Roared. Each page will be published, one per day, on this website. We pray that God uses it mightily in your life to swaddle you in His love and heal your precious heart.