Understanding the Wounded Heart | Dr. Marcus Warner

In this five-part video series, Dr. Marcus Warner shows how hearts can be wounded—and how they can heal!

Session 1: The Core Model

Session 2: Building Joy

Session 3: Taking Thoughts Captive

Session 4: Forgiveness

Session 5: Listening Prayer

For more information about Dr. Warner and Deeper Walk International, visit deeperwalkinternational.org and check out Dr. Warner’s book Understanding the Wounded Heart!

The Wait

“We live in a culture addicted to instant gratification: the quick hookup, the miracle cure, and the overnight sensation. THE WAIT is the remedy for that addiction. In THE WAIT, DeVon and Meagan share the life-changing message that waiting— rather than rushing—can be the key for finding the person you’re meant to be with. Filled with candid his-and-hers accounts of the most important moments of their relationship, along with practical advice on how waiting for everything—from sex to getting engaged—can transform your entire life by giving you greater patience, joy, peace, healing, faith and love.”

The Wait

For more information, see TheWaitBook.org.

Weathering the Storms of Fear

Steve is still battling health issues as a result of fungal pneumonia last fall. Yesterday we found ourselves back in the doctor’s office, getting results from tests and bloodwork completed last week.

We were hoping for, “You are great! Let’s get you off this medicine and on to living your life as usual.” Instead, we got, “Let’s keep you on the medicine another six months before we do another CT. We’ll do more blood work in June to check all your levels. Right now, your lungs are stable.”

Stable. That’s good, right?

Our minds were spinning.  This season of prolonged illness has left us both tired on all fronts; mentally, physically, emotionally, even spiritually. We would love nothing better than to lift a prayer heavenward, and pouf… instant healing.  

I have seen and believe God to be Healer. I have also seen God use times of sickness to take an individual beyond physical healing. He goes deep into the heart of man for transformation. This was one of those times, and I knew it.

As we left the doctor’s office, we made light of the news we had been given. We stopped to grab some lunch, laughing at trivial things. On the outside, we looked normal. But I knew on the inside there was a storm of questions brewing that would surface as the day went on.

The storm of questions hit late that evening. How is the prolonged use of this medicine going to impact his overall health? What are the side effects? How do we strengthen his immune system? If his immune system is compromised, then what do we do to protect him against Coronavirus (yes, it just hit our town)? How do we keep ourselves encouraged in the faith and not driven by fear?

We sat holding each other tightly. Tears ran down our cheeks. At that moment, there was no trying to “fix each other.” We gave each other permission to process through the pain. So, we wept. And through our sobbing, we gave voice to our fears.

I am not sure how long we sat crumpled on the floor holding each other. What I do know is that mingled in with that voice of fear was a whisper of hope. Earlier that day I read Hebrews 10:23. The words latched on to my heart and followed me throughout the day. Now, they were competing for the attention of my heart.

So now we must cling tightly to the hope that lives within us,
 knowing that God always keeps His promises!

Hebrews 10:23, TPT

Regardless of the storms we face, when the clouds roll in it is easy to forget that just beyond those black clouds, the sun still shines. This whisper from Hebrews was a reminder that the Son was still shining. He had not left us. Though the clouds of uncertainty hung over us, His promise to complete the work He had started in us remained.

We fell into bed, worn but with a renewed sense that we were not alone.

Just like the wind moves the storm clouds along, God’s Spirit blew through the night as we slept, moving fear out of the way. This morning we woke with a renewed sense of hope. God gave us a verse that we are holding on to today.

But in the day that I’m afraid,
I lay all my fears before you and trust in you
With all my heart.

Psalm 56:3

My friends, whatever storm you may be facing regardless of how big or small it seems, grab hold of God’s promises. Open up His Word or turn to your Bible app and listen. Ask God to give you a promise to cling to today. Don’t be afraid to wait in the silence for His gentle whisper. He wants us to rely on His goodness and grace. Let His promises be the anchor that tethers you to the hope found in His faithfulness.

Until next time, let’s find hope in the journey.

P.S. If you have a promise that you are clinging to at this time in your life, I would love to share that with me. Just send me a quick reply via email. Let’s keep encouraging one another to stand strong in our faith.

Hi There! My name is Evelyn. I am a lover of all things family, faith and Fall. So grateful that you found your way here. The chaos of life can leave us feeling a bit worn around the edges. Sometimes a little ray of hope is all we need to provide courage for the next step in our journey. So come on in, take a deep breath. My prayer is that in this space, you will be able to grab hold of hope. For more of my blogs, visit my website Hope for the Journey.

I’ve Not Forgot

“Oh, no!” says the Lord.
“That’s not your lot.
“Look unto me; I’ve not forgot.
“Give Me your hand,
“And come my way.
“You have a future.
“It’s a brand new day.”

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15)

Christian philosopher, Bible teacher, author, and prolific poet, Margarett Inez Bates is a graduate of Mount Vernon Bible College with a Bachelor’s degree from the Christian International School of Theology. Actively involved in Christian service for over forty years, she currently resides in her hometown, Kokomo, Indiana. Margarett has published two books: Poetical Insights: Lifting Up a Standard, and Poetical Insights Vol. 2: A Closer Look. You can read more of her work at Kokomo Poet.

Deeper Still Abortion Healing Retreat – April 2019

One out of three women will have an abortion. Post-abortion stress/trauma can manifest in a number of ways: regret, grief, shame, sadness, anger, anxiety, relational conflicts, substance abuse, and depression. These are all examples of post-abortion stress. Symptoms can surface soon after the abortion or can manifest many years later. Our Deeper Still post-abortion healing retreats offer hope, healing and freedom from the pain and emotional trauma of a past abortion(s).

A recent participant writes this:

“There are no words to describe the overall experience! I am still experiencing so much freedom, so much joy. I’ve been set free by the grace of God. Bless you all for helping me to find this freedom.”

The next retreat is April 26–28th. Spaces are available for both women and men. For more information, visit the Living Alternatives website to download a registration packet. You can also email laurie@hopeforafuture.com or call (309) 212-1442.

Be in Health Real Solutions Tour 2019

We want to invite you, your friends, and your family to join us in 2019 to attend 1 of 16 conferences we are doing nationwide on our Real Solutions Tour. There you will learn the foundations for healing and restoration in every area of your life and find the Real Solutions you have been looking for.

Friday, April 26, 1PM through Saturday, April 27, 6PM
DoubleTree by Hilton-Cincinnati Airport | 2826 Terminal Dr. Hebron, Kentucky

We want to invite you, your friends, and your family to join us in 2019 to attend 1 of 16 conferences we are doing nationwide on our Real Solutions Tour. There you will learn the foundations for healing and restoration in every area of your life and find the Real Solutions you have been looking for.

Many people have come to us after many years of trying everything, frustrated and tired, but were rejuvenated with hope and experienced lasting healing they found nowhere else.

Along with teaching we will also be doing laying on hands ministry at the end of each conference to allow our Father to come and work powerfully in our brothers and sisters lives.

There is no fee to attend. Freewill offerings will be taken and our resources will be available for purchase.

During the conference, we will have two exclusive Q&A events with the Be in Health® team. Dinner Friday evening and lunch Saturday afternoon. Seating is limited so reserve your seat today!

For information, see the Be in Health website.

Dr. Henry Wright and Be in Health® would love to teach you how to be an overcomer: to come alongside you and show you how to recognize the root issues behind disease and to overcome the works of the enemy in your life. Issues like, bitterness, rejection and fear, anxiety, and stress (just to name a few) that break down relationships and lead to disease.

May we lead you into restored relationships with God, others and even yourself?

We believe that when your spirit is healed and recovered that your body with follow suit. Thousands of people are healed and whole because of the principles they’ve learned here at Be in Health®. And we strive to provide a safe, nurturing environment for you, our brothers and sisters.

If you were given the opportunity to learn not just how to survive but to truly thrive would you take it?

We would like to extend that opportunity to you right now. We invite you to walk with us in our mission to establish generations of overcomers: “May the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

Deeper Still Abortion Healing Retreat – April 2019

Our Deeper Still post-abortion healing retreats offer hope, healing and freedom from the pain and emotional trauma of a past abortion(s).

One out of three women will have an abortion. Post-abortion stress/trauma can manifest in a number of ways: regret, grief, shame, sadness, anger, anxiety, relational conflicts, substance abuse, and depression. These are all examples of post-abortion stress. Symptoms can surface soon after the abortion or can manifest many years later. Our Deeper Still post-abortion healing retreats offer hope, healing and freedom from the pain and emotional trauma of a past abortion(s).

A recent participant writes this:

“There are no words to describe the overall experience! I am still experiencing so much freedom, so much joy. I’ve been set free by the grace of God. Bless you all for helping me to find this freedom.”

The next retreat is April 26–28th. Spaces are available for both women and men. For more information, visit the Living Alternatives website to download a registration packet. You can also email laurie@hopeforafuture.com or call (309) 212-1442.

When God Roared

In 2004, a dear sister in Christ wrote a book called When God Roared.

In its chapters, she unfolds the healing path God walked her along to step-by-step overcome childhood abuse and its fallout. This is the path standing open to you in your journey to know your Father and His abiding, ministering love.

Now, 13 years later, we are making this book available online for the first time.

Each day, we will publish a fresh page from this book.

Come back often, and share with a friend!

The journey has only just begun…

When God Roared