Things aren’t always as they seem.
Sometimes we see, sometimes we dream.
Purpose means an aim, a goal,
a reason for our undying soul.
Amid the turmoil and the pain,
We ask for just one refrain:
“Move with the punches.”
That’s what God said.
“Be careful by whom you are led.
“Remember well the lessons learned.
“The harvest reaped is the one you earn.”
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)
Christian philosopher, Bible teacher, author, and prolific poet, Margarett Inez Bates is a graduate of Mount Vernon Bible College with a Bachelor’s degree from the Christian International School of Theology. Actively involved in Christian service for over forty years, she currently resides in her hometown, Kokomo, Indiana. Margarett has published two books: Poetical Insights: Lifting Up a Standard, and Poetical Insights Vol. 2: A Closer Look. You can read more of her work at Kokomo Poet.