1 John | Psalm Forty

“The most common responses given when asked, ‘Why don’t you read the Bible,’ are: unable to comprehend, no time, boring, don’t like to read, too easily distracted, would rather be doing something else.  The most common responses given when asked, ‘Why don’t you listen to an audio version of the Bible,’ are: boring, puts me to sleep, read with no emotion, too easily distracted.   We believe we are creating an audio version of the Bible like never before!  

•It’s preached in a contemporary language (The Message) with emotion rather than read in a hard to comprehend version with no emotion. 
•It’s complemented by dramatic, theatrical instrumentals rather than dead, distracting silence. 
•It’s captivating and interesting rather than boring.      
It’s like hearing the Word for the very first time !        

“We are not trying to replace the Bible. We are simply trying to reach people that may never pick up a Bible. We are trying to help those who have difficulty reading/listening/comprehending the Bible. We are trying to solve a problem. We pray you are impacted in mighty way for the Kingdom of God.”

Psalm Forty, YouTube

Check out more Psalm Forty audio Bible clips, as well as their full YouTube channel!