Six Ways Hatmaker, Hollis and Doyle are Promoting Another Gospel

“They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.” — Romans 1:25, NIV 1984

“At the end of the day, ladies and gentlemen, there’s really only two religions: you’re either going to worship the Creator or some aspect of the creation.”

Frank Turek, CrossExamined, August 27, 2020, YouTube

Pastor Thinks Abortion is Consistent with Christianity?!

“Don’t follow a man of God or a woman of God more than you follow God, because that man or that woman can go astray…”

Tovares Grey, August 28, 2020, YouTube

Mr. Grey is commenting on the article “Megachurch Pastor: Abortion ‘Is Consistent with’ Christianity and ‘I Will Fight’ to Keep it Legal.”

Defy Geography! Join an Online Small Group

We’ll be kicking off the new year with ReFrame, a short series Summit Ministries recommends for drilling down into what it means to be a Biblical Christian: “We’re trying to inculcate God’s story in you so deeply that when something happens, you just instinctively react with the character of God… You don’t have to think about it because it’s who you are!”

Since we come from quite a few different cities, we’ll be doing ReFrame as an online small group. Please answer the following information so we can pick a night that works best for you!